What Our Clients Are Saying
Information is power - and you can include the most powerful online health information right on your website. Below are testimonials received from actual users of A.D.A.M. health content.
"This article has helped me a lot in understanding congestive heart failure. All of the warning signs you discuss are exactly what my dad has been going through. Thank you so much for this article."
"I just experienced major head pain behind my eyes, and I looked it up on Google and this article was one of the first things I saw! It helped me identify the problem, and take the right actions to fix it! Thank you so much!"
"This is the most informative web page on ulcerative colitis I have visited. Thank you!"
"After reading this article, I think I now have a better understanding of my condition and how to better my life style."
"It was very difficult to find information about this in Spanish, so I found your Web site incredibly helpful."
"My mom is in critical condition, and the doctors diagnosed her with Hepatic Encephalopathy. She is now chronic in situation and I needed to find more about this sickness. This page gave the information I needed to badly. Thanks so much!"
"Spot on! Helped me in so many ways with my thumb, wrist and elbows, even after my doctor's visit I found that my doctor just confirmed what was stated in the article. Thanks."
"Thank you for writing an article that is easy to read and that has a great deal of technical information, including references."
"Reading this article was like speaking to a very understanding doctor. Thank you."
"Best web site I've read. I've been looking and looking online for information regarding ovarian cysts and fibroids. This site has excellent diagrams and detailed information. It is the most informative I've read."
"I’ve been online for an hour searching for answers, and, finally, the writer of this web page summed up ALL my answers in just on page. Short, simple, and straight to the point. THANK YOU!!! My questions were answered."
"I've gotten severe headaches since I fell and hit the back of my head a few years ago. From this website I have learned that here are many different kinds of headaches, and some possible ways to alleviate them. Thank you!"
"Complete, concise, well written. Thank you for including facts on nonprescription alternatives, and for detailing the side effects/potential problems of each class of therapy."
"Thanks! I really appreciate having such indispensable information from a reputable site available for public use. And thanks to this article, I may have just avoided a terrible reaction with ginkgo and my current meds!"
"My daughter, an RN, sent this to me. Thank you so much for more information than anyone else has given me. I will refer to this often, have put it in my favorites for further looks."
"Excellent information, I was not aware as how cholesterol levels were formed, nor how they can be life threatening, if not kept under control. Thank You for being so informative in an easy to understand language."
"Thanks for your excellent article regarding speech impairment. I understand much better the situation my wife has after her severe stroke from 3 years ago. Thanks again!"
"Despite being an RN when I was diagnosed with triglyceride induced chronic pancreatitis, I freaked. This article was straight-forward, all options were covered, and I was reassured that my health was in my hands. I could make a change. Thank you so much."
"Thank you for the information, it was very helpful. I'm in Mexico, and I found your information very helpful to verify the treatment we received here."
"Thank you for your information on edema. My elderly father-in-law phoned to say that his feet and ankles were swollen, and as he does not live close by, I cannot get him to a doctor, but I read him your info over the phone and he is now willing to see his GP."
"Very informative, I especially liked like the fact that you took a very broad approach and included foods, supplements, and herbs. I found it especially useful that you listed amounts for Vitamin C, Zinc, and Papain, and also that you stressed seeking a doctor’s advice."
"Thank you. I perform medical research on a volunteer basis for my community. Your article excels in its straightforward simplicity for details and explanation for the lay person as well as medical support staff."
"I was only told that I was going to take a pill and then come back six hours later for the test. Your web site eased my mind about what the pill is, and how the test is going to be done. This is a great web site with the information I needed and not a lot of stuff to read through."
"The information was concrete and helpful. I want to say congratulations to the creators and thank you a lot. Please continue doing this job so other people receive the information. You are changing the world one word at time."
"I was never aware that herbal supplements could interact with other medications until I read the information provided here. I wanted to thank you very much for that."
"My father has Parkinson’s and I found this material to be very informative. When reading it answered a lot of questions I had about Parkinson's and gave me a better understanding of the disease. I'm hoping for one day there will be a cure for PD, and every disease."
"I'm having this done on 12/3/2009, and needed some info other than just my doctor. You have made me feel at ease about doing this. I'm a male, and all I could think about was the pain this procedure might cause me."
"Extremely helpful, I am not as scared to get the open lung biopsy done now that I have information on it. This is a wonderful site full of information on all types of health issues. Thank You."
"Because of reading this article on potassium, I am going to see my doctor to have my potassium checked as I, too, am taking medication for my blood pressure. Thanks for this article. Great help!"
"Thank you very much! I have just learned more in 10 minutes than I learned after 3 days in the hospital. Now I know what to do about sorting my diet out. Thank you."
"My mother has Alzheimer's and took Ginkgo, but only got worse. From your article I now understand why - she is on Paxil and antidepressants already! (Ginkgo doesn't react well with these). Thank you for such comprehensive information."