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Anatomy Practice will provide your students with 24/7 online access to a rich atlas of anatomy images and test questions designed to challenge their knowledge of key anatomical structures. The interactive and detailed images and illustrations in Anatomy Practice includes over 15,500 structures and identification test questions accompanied by nearly 600 full colour anatomical illustrations, cadaver images and radiographs. Your students can take customized or randomized tests by body region to align with their courses or area of study.

Anatomy Practice will provide your students with 24/7 online access to a rich atlas of anatomy images and test questions designed to challenge their knowledge of key anatomical structures. The interactive and detailed images and illustrations in Anatomy Practice includes over 15,500 structures and identification test questions accompanied by nearly 600 full colour anatomical illustrations, cadaver images and radiographs. Your students can take customized or randomized tests by body region to align with their courses or area of study.

Anatomy Practice is the perfect self assessment resource for your students to test their knowledge of anatomical structures with the ability to select randomized tests of 20 questions each by the following body regions:
Head and Neck ---- Upper Limb ---- Abdomen ---- Lower Limb ---- Pelvis and Perineum ---- Body Wall and Back ---- Thorax
Create customized tests to align with your course curriculum for your students by selecting one of the above body regions. Further customize your tests by narrowing the question sets to the following one or more of body systems if desired:
Cardiovascular ---- Digestive ---- Endocrine ---- Immune ----- Integumentary ---- Urinary ---- Lymphatic ---- Muscular ---- Nervous ---- Reproductive ---- Respiratory ----Skeletal


You may also select:

Number of questions for the custom tests
Anatomy Practice will allow your students to save their test results for comparison or reporting.
Question Type
Identification Only ---- Objective Only ---- Identification and Objective
Answer Method
Selected from List ---- Typed Answer Only
Image Types
Illustration ---- Cadaver ---- Radio Graphs


Anatomical Views
Anterior ---- Posterior ---- Lateral ---- Medial ---- Superior ---- Inferior ---- Non-standard
A complete anatomy review (Atlas) is included with almost 530 pinned illustrations, cadaver, and radiograph images for additional study.
Pricing Structure


ANATOMY PRACTICE ONLINE - Concurrent User - 12 Month
A200 Anatomy Practice-Institutional- Single User £65.00
A800-5 Anatomy Practice 5 Concurrent Users £290.00
A800-10 Anatomy Practice 10 Concurrent Users £495.00
A80-15 Anatomy Practice 15 Concurrent Users £690.00
A800-20 Anatomy Practice 20 Concurrent Users £830.00
A800-30 Anatomy Practice 30 Concurrent Users £1,150.00

