A.D.A.M. Inside Out for schools is a versatile online resource for teachers, accommodating small-group learning, full classroom participation, and individual use for differentiated learning. It serves intuitive learners as well as those who require a more structured learning framework. The teacher resources, including lesson plan development tools and quizzes, facilitate the integration of A.D.A.M. Inside Out resources into your curriculum.
A.D.A.M. Inside Out combines the award-winning content and features of
The Inside Story
, the
9 Month Miracle
Health and Wellness chapters
to give your students a truly unique experience through the human body. This new, online resource is a visual introduction to the secrets of the human body, family life curriculum, and health literacy that includes updated high resolution graphics, animations and illustrations, and a brand new interface for better ease of navigation. Perfect for teachers and students teaching or studying:
General Biology
Life Sciences
Physical Education
Sex Education (Reproductive modules can be turned off)
Family Life Curriculum
Over 50% larger screen views allow students to explore the body layer-by-layer in
A.D.A.M. The Inside Story
and join modern-day Adam and Eve as the body's miracles come alive with entertaining animations, video, and sound in their Family Album. Within the Family Album are health, wellness and prevention topics including alcohol and tobacco use, disease prevention, mental and emotional health, first aid and safety and nutrition.
Students can also take an interactive journey into the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth with the
9 Month Miracle
, as Adam and Eve join medical experts for a month-by-month guided tour inside the body and body systems as their baby develops.
Resources Include:
Dissectible Anatomy
Bring the human body to life for your students with 4,000 body structures in our fully dissectible bodies, complete with audio pronunciations.
The Inside Story
Structure and function of the major body systems come to life with engaging content and animations covering the twelve body systems.
3D Anatomy
Eight new fully-rotating 3D anatomical images included to help your students identify and visualize important structures then take an animated tour through each designated body part.
9 Month Miracle
Teach your students about the miracle of conception, childbirth and every stage in between with a fascinating visual journey. Bonus feature includes dramatic in-body photography by world renowned photographer Lennart Nilsson shows the developing baby month by month.
Health and Wellness
Nutrition and physical activity lessons included will provide your students with a self directed learning path, complete with animations and interactive resources. The engaging content and humorous dialogue cover an introduction to proper nutrition, a comprehensive review of the Food Pyramid, how to read food labels, and how to make wise food selection choices. Over an hour of narrated content, animations and interactive quizzes teach, reinforce, and help assess student comprehension.
Smoking and Tobacco Use
Teach your students about the short and long term harmful effects of smoking cigarettes, other tobacco use and second hand smoke has on their bodies as they follow along in this chapter, complete with narrations and animations.
Alcohol and Drug Use
Teach your students about the dangers and negative effects of alcohol and drug use has on their bodies. Misuse of over the counter medications, abuse of prescription drugs, illegal drugs, and how to cope with peer pressure are covered as students follow along in this chapter, completed with narrations and animations..
Supplemental Resources
Reinforce your students comprehension with audio pronunciations, glossary of anatomical terms, system reference text, and interactive anatomy puzzles.
Self Assessment
allow your students to test, reinforce, and help assess their comprehension with 14 all new multi question quizzes.
Curriculum Resources
Valuable reference text
includes information on each of the body systems to assist instructors building their curriculum and help students learn more about a particular topic of study.
Print capabilities
and supplemental detailed bank of images available to create student worksheets, handouts, quizzes, and tests.
Convenient online access
All new graphics, animations and illustrations, including all new Adam and Eve
Larger screen size for better viewing
All new interface for better ease of navigation
Updated 3D images, quizzes and family albums
Includes a modesty setting that locks out the reproductive system and covers male and female genitals with "fig leaves"
Ability to remove the 9 Month Miracle section for schools that do not require it in their curriculum
Pricing Structure
A.D.A.M. Inside Out (Schools) 12 month online subscription
Individual Instructors License
M202 School Building Level- Site License Pricing
Small School - Under 500 pupils
Medium School - 500 to 999 pupils
Large School 1,000+
Interactive Anatomy
Interactive Physiology
Anatomy Practice
Inside Out
Health Resources for Libraries (Public)
Health Resources for Libraries (Academic)
Pricing Structure