EU Projects: IT English Multimedia Project

This project aims to produce and disseminate an online IT English Multimedia course to be used by users who wish to learn English in order to increase their chances on the labour market and their efficiency in their professional life. Its other objective is to produce and test an online teacher training course for teacher trainees and practicing teachers to help them on one hand to acquire IT English and on the other hand to give them a tool to learn how to manage online virtual groups of language learners.

The main objectives of the project:
(1) Improve adult participants' Computer English skills in formal and informal (LLL) education in transnational environment.
(2) Develop multimedia interactive teaching material for IT-related English.
(3) Promote opportunities of applicants on the European labour market in every field of computer-related work.
(4) Set up a virtual transnational consulting centre applying and disseminating an Internet-based, interactive multimedia training package.
(5) Produce complex online training program for tutors lacking experience in teaching IT English or managing online courses.

Target groups include training material developers; learners of IT English ; teachers of English; schools interested in teaching IT English; decision makers in education, participants of labour market.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.