The main objective of this EU funded project - Training the Intermediary Management in European Social Institutions (eTimes) - is improving the professional profile in the intermediate management layers in welfare institutions. The project is framed within the social exclusion agenda of the European Union.
The project has the defined
outcomes as:
Development of an International curricula, and original Training Programme for Managers in the Welfare/Social sector with an approximate duration of 200 hours. The contents will be developed for blended learning: a mixture of face-to-face and distance e-learning.
Development of a Pilot course for testing and improvement of developed materials with ten students from each participant country.
Production of a specialised multilingual Web site to foster the meeting and exchange of experiences among technicians and intermediate managers in the welfare sector at national and international level.
Creation of an on-line European Network of Welfare Institutions as a meeting place and Resource Centre for experts in different subject areas.
There is a manifest gap in the training available for the Management of Welfare Institutions throughout Europe as a result of the recent proliferation and enlargement of Welfare Centres in Europe. Although there are many initiatives in vocational and higher education for the training of the technician or “field worker” in social institutions but these programmes are not comprehensive and require further training elements for the Intermediate Manager.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.