EU Projects: Eutranex Project

The EUTRANEX (EUROPEAN TRAINING NETWORK OF EXCELLENCE) project, promoted for the Leonardo Da Vinci – Transnational Networks –  programme proposed to elaborate, share and diffuse a new approach to training, to identify a modus operandi valid at international level, which derives from the convergence of different methods existing within the partnership.

This approach will be used to identify and overcome the competency caps existing in SMEs and favour new occupational and entrepreneurial development policies of depressed areas.

With the contribution of a team of trainers from the Organisations/Training providers and Universities in Spain, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, France, Germany and Poland, one will undertake intense research, awareness raising and diffusion activity to identify a common vocational training model. In this sense, the international network, bearing in mind the strategic importance that each partner has within their respective academic, training and productive systems guarantees a great effect and notable impact on training methodologies elaborated and shared.

This informative and operative network can extend in progress to other public and private actors with the objective of favouring the exchange and constant updating of best practices, in favour of the development and sharing of new training methodologies.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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